Surviving a Long-Haul Flight

Traveling is fun!  The food, shopping, sightseeing, hotels, and everything in between.  Now, we could argue whether or not fun is the correct word to describe a 12 hour flight.  While the destination might be your end goal, you still have to get there, so let’s see if we can’t help make that long haul journey a little less…painful.

Certainly, if you are willing to shell out thousands of extra dollars, you can certainly cozy up in a lie-flat, Business Class or First class seat.  That may just not be in the cards for all us though, and those of us in the back still deserve to enjoy a relaxing and comfortable experience.  
So how can you make a long-haul flight a little less exhausting?  You just have to come prepared.  Entertainment, comfort, and refreshment are all within reach, if you are willing to do a little planning ahead.  


For longer flights, you may want to consider bringing an extra comfy outfit packed into your carry on.  A duffel bag can work well to pack some extra clothes, make-up, toiletries, and all other necessary items that will make your journey more enjoyable.  A duffel bag can also be easier to store close by in an overhead bin, or even under your seat for simple access.  Consider compartmentalizing your items into smaller easy to grab bags so that you can easily identify and remove items throughout your flight.  After all, you don’t want to be one of those people who awkwardly opens their entire carry on luggage on a full plane.  Not only is that disruptive to other traveler, it can also be stressful for you as the passenger.   So if you can put a few smaller sized bags into your duffel bag, you will feel more organized and less fussed throughout the flight.

Let’s go back to that bit about the comfy outfit.  Often, I find myself having to connect before I board my longest haul flight.  So, I like to bring an extra outfit that I can change into while I connect and await my longer flight.  Generally, I like to bring some looser fitting clothing like joggers and a sweatshirt.  This will allow for warmth and will allow you to move around a little easier and feel less constricted in an already tight scenario.  Not to mention, changing into something clean after a day of connections is just a good feeling all around.  

Consider also bringing an extra pair of socks.  I get cold feet, so I need something warm on my feet to help me fall asleep for a few hours.  Let’s all agree though, that we should put shoes on BEFORE you go to the bathroom.  Stepping into an airplane bathroom without shoes is highly unsanitary and you may even experience wet floors….leading to discomfort 🙂
While most airlines will provide you with a pillow and blanket for over-night flights, you may want to verify with the airline that this is the case, and if not, pack wisely.  A shawl can act as a light blanket, and bringing a neck pillow may help you get into a more comfortable state.
You may also want to bring some light snacks like nuts or granola bars.  Meal times can be spread out on longer flights and you don’t want to be left starving for hours.


Some people are happy as a clam if they have access to a ton of on-board entertainment like movies, and TV.  Others on the other hand can only do so many movies.  I myself have a hard time watching movies on planes.  I don’t find it enjoyable.  So, instead, I make sure I have the following:

  • Noise cancelling headphones for my music or movies on your phone or tablet.  This helps cancel out some of that background noise and can help you fall asleep faster
  • Hand-held gaming consoles like a Nintendo Switch can help you pass the time and take your mind off of the next few hours of your life in the sky.  No need to go out and buy one just for your flight.  Maybe a friend or family member would be willing to lend one to you
  • A good book can help both lull you to sleep or keep your imagination going for a few hours.  Consider bringing a lighter book or a few magazines to keep things less bulky.  Likewise, if you have a Kindle or Kobo, loading up your e-reader can help keeps things streamlined on flights
  • Journaling on a plane is something that just seems to work for me.  All of that time spent sitting and thinking sometimes leads me to want to write down some plans or ideas that I want to make sure I don’t forget!  You can also think about adult colouring books.  A little colouring can help pass the time and ease your stress


There’s always that awkward time, about 90 minutes before you land, where you start to take stock of what’s around you.  Is everything packed back into your bag?  Did you look under your seat, and in your front seat pocket to make sure your cell phone won’t get left behind?  Then too, there’s that feeling of “oh wait, I am about to disembark this tin can in the sky and I will be back amongst the living!”  How do you feel about those up and coming human interactions you’re about to experience on land?  Do you feel refreshed?  Probably not.  Fret not friends, here are some tips you can follow about 60-90 minutes before you land (you don’t want to be that person who get’s the evil eye from the flight attendant as you start to descend).  

  • Brush your teeth!  It’s amazing what fresh breath can do for a persons aura
  • Use some baby wipes or other freshening damp wipes…I will leave it at that
  • Ladies, those make-up remover wipes and a fresh layer of moisturizer can do wonders (a face mask, post make-up wipe can also help wake you up and make you feel a little more like yourself)
  • If you are really organized, you could change into a new outfit!
  • Deodorant is never a bad thing…
  • Wash your hands as often as you can throughout your flight to keep germs at bay…a little hand sanitizer is also a great idea

Certainly we could argue that many additional items were left off this list.  Everyone is different, and depending on your level of flexibility and comfort around what you are willing to put up with can have a barring on the lengths you are willing to take in order to survive a long haul flight.  

Have any ideas?  Let us know below.


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